Monday, May 9, 2011

Meet Ada Nieves!

Hello everyone! Sorry for the long months of silence, but we are now back and very eager to introduce you to another wonderful angel in our pet community.

Gidget would like to introduce you to Ada Nieves. I met Ada in 2004 when this column was with The New York Dog and The Hollywood Dog magazines.

Ada is a renowned certified FIT pet fashion designer, gourmet treat baker and successful pawty planner. She runs the largest Chihuahua group in the nation, hosts her Pet Life Radio talk show: Vida Doggie, writes for the Examiner and is a collaborator for FIDO FRIENDLY magazine.

She and her five professional pet actor Chihuahuas (and now also a rescued cat), have appeared on many national and international shows, such as, the Animal Planet network, BBC London, ABC’s The View, NBC Today Show, Canida Oscar/Italy TV, Woef/Dutch Puppy TV, Pet Dish/MSN, Puppy Weddings/WE TV, Sabado Gigante/Univision , Mike & Juliet Show, The Martha Stewart Show and Conan O’Brien late night show, to name a few.

You can contact Ada by visiting her web site at

It is my pleasure to know Ada. She is an incredible, warm spirit, humanitarian and artist. I respect her and love her sense of humor and caring personality.